May 15, 2023
The Media Rating Council (MRC) Board of Directors has voted in favor of continuing accreditation of the Adloox S.A.S. service for:
Desktop and Mobile Web Display and Video:
Tracked Ads (Gross)
Impressions (Gross, Net of GIVT and Total Net of SIVT)
Viewability (Net of GIVT and Total Net of SIVT):
Viewable Impressions
Non-Viewable Impressions
Undetermined Viewable Impressions
Measured Rate
Viewable Rate
Impression Distribution Percentages:
Not Viewable
Various Time Exposure Metrics Net of GIVT and Total Net of SIVT):
Seconds Exposure (0, 1-2, 2-10, 10+)
Exposure Time
Exposure Time/Page
Decision Rate (%) – Net of GIVT and Total Net of SIVT
📱 Adloox accreditation for measurement of mobile in-app (display and video), viewable ad measurement and viewability of mobile in-app (display and video, net GIVT), detection & filtration of general invalid traffic (GIVT) on mobile in-app is currently under review and we hope for a positive outcome in the coming weeks.