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How does Adloox Attention Score compares with other solutions?

The industry lacks a shared attention definition, but two main methods exist, according to the IAB*:

The probabilistic method

It involves limited bespoke panel studies and proxies derived from eye tracking or facial expression analysis.

The deterministic approach

It uses proxies derived from engagement and industrial criteria (active time-in-view, interaction, scrolling speed, etc)

→ This is Adloox Attention Score

How does Adloox Attention Score compares with other solutions?

The industry lacks a shared attention definition, but two main methods exist, according to the IAB*:



Method, according to the IAB*

Proxies derived

from eye tracking

Proxies derived

from engagement

Measured in brand-safe environments

Direct measurement, impression by impression

IVT negatively influence the score calculation

Uses human response data as an input

Compatible with all media and formats

Uses existing and proven indicators

Allows for heatmapping of content

Available for prebid optimization

Q4 2023

Readily available as part of general campaign solutions



Method, according to the IAB*

Proxies derived

from eye tracking

Proxies derived

from engagement

Measured in brand-safe environments

Direct measurement, impression by impression

IVT negatively influence the score calculation

Uses human response data as an input

Compatible with all media and formats

Uses existing and proven indicators

Allows for heatmapping of content

Available for prebid optimization

Q4 2023

Readily available as part of general campaign solutions

*All of the methods and attention lexicology described here come from the IAB Europe Guide to Attention in Digital Marketing 2023, developed by experts from IAB Europe's Brand Advertising Committee as both an introduction to the topic and as a means of sparking wider industry debate around how attention measurement should develop over the next few years. You can download it here.

*All of the methods and attention lexicology described here come from the IAB Europe Guide to Attention in Digital Marketing 2023, developed by experts from IAB Europe's Brand Advertising Committee as both an introduction to the topic and as a means of sparking wider industry debate around how attention measurement should develop over the next few years. You can download it here.

It uses proxies derived from engagement and industrial criteria (active time-in-view, interaction, scrolling speed, etc)

→ This is Adloox Attention Score

The deterministic approach

It involves limited bespoke panel studies and proxies derived from eye tracking or facial expression analysis.

The probabilistic method


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Explore and learn more about everything from programmatic ad fraud and risks to building strong advertising operations and scaling them.

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Explore and learn more about everything from programmatic ad fraud and risks to building strong advertising operations and scaling them.

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Explore and learn more about everything from programmatic ad fraud and risks to building strong advertising operations and scaling them.

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Explore and learn more about everything from programmatic ad fraud and risks to building strong advertising operations and scaling them.

Guides and resources

Explore and learn more about everything from programmatic ad fraud and risks to building strong advertising operations and scaling them.

People in the office

The industry lacks a shared attention definition, but two main methods exist, according to the IAB*:

It involves limited bespoke panel studies and proxies derived from eye tracking or facial expression analysis.

The probabilistic method

How does Adloox Attention Score compares with other solutions?

*All of the methods and attention lexicology described here come from the IAB Europe Guide to Attention in Digital Marketing 2023, developed by experts from IAB Europe's Brand Advertising Committee as both an introduction to the topic and as a means of sparking wider industry debate around how attention measurement should develop over the next few years. You can download it here.

Proxies derived from eye tracking

Measured in brand-safe environments

Direct measurement, impression by impression

IVT negatively influence the score calculation

Uses human response data as an input

Compatible with all media and formats

Uses existing and proven indicators

Allows for heatmapping of content

Available for prebid optimization (Q4 2023)

Readily available as part of general campaign solutions

The deterministic approach

It uses proxies derived from engagement and industrial criteria (active time-in-view, interaction, scrolling speed, etc)

→ This is Adloox Attention Score