
5 questions to Brian Sykora, SVP, Product Strategy and Corporate Development at Jun Group

5 questions to Brian Sykora, SVP, Product Strategy and Corporate Development at Jun Group

5 questions to Brian Sykora, SVP, Product Strategy and Corporate Development at Jun Group

7 mai 2024

Founded in 2005, Jun Group is a technology company powering media campaigns for the best-known brands, agencies, and publishers. As an industry pioneer with nearly 20 years of experience building mobile-first advertising products that deliver real results, they have been at the forefront of innovation since the beginning. Adloox provides ongoing support to Jun Group since the early 2023, addressing all matters pertaining to brand safety and combatting ad fraud. We talked with Brian Sykora, Senior Vice President in charge of the Product Strategy at Jun, to get to know more about their business model and their usage of our ad verification platform.

Can you tell us more about your role at Jun Group?

I joined Jun Group 8 years ago as one of the first product managers, working on our user-facing mobile SDK and client tools. Since then, my role has evolved to include corporate development, product marketing, and partnerships. Prior to joining the Jun Group team, I had various roles at NGOs in Washington DC and co-founded a brick-and-mortar retail business.

Jun Group is a technology company that provides intelligent advertising solutions for globally recognized brands, agencies, and publishers. Could you outline the company's structure, present its offerings, and explain its positioning?

We are a technology company focussed on two main markets. First, we partner with brands like McDonald’s and AARP to reach consumers through our direct access to over a thousand popular apps. We also offer a solution for publishers to reach a broader, targeted audience across our network.

Our in app surveys give us the unique opportunity to poll consumers and ask them questions about their interests and what types of ads might be relevant to them. We developed the survey technology because we believe advertising can be used to build trust and transparency with consumers. Then, these answers are combined with thousands of other signals about each user to develop what we call Schema, or a custom targeting model for each campaign. 

Then, while the campaign is in flight we’re able to optimize based on real-time signals such as sales, site actions, location visits, or incremental lift in any KPI.

What are the biggest challenges you're facing today?

As a team, we spend a lot of time talking about consent and giving advertisers and consumers equal control. We’ve invested about a decade of engineering building our SDK in a way that has consent and control built in. By being directly integrated with the apps where we serve ads, it gives a lot of control not only over the data but how the data can be used into the future. 

We saw these privacy changes coming, and invested in solutions that didn't rely on the IDFA and instead maintained consent and data at the app and user level. That protected us from many of the cross-app and cookie restrictions that others are facing. And more recently, we’ve been investing in email-based first party data. This allows us to match consumers to a deterministic email address and reach them where they’ve provided consent to targeting.  

In a highly competitive market, especially the US, Jun Group operates amid a vast network of innovative adtech platforms. What sets you apart the most, and what innovations are you working on?

We have a unique position in the market because we have direct access to 100 million plus consumers, and the option to ask what ads they want to see. Looking ahead, there are many unknowns particularly with the rapid development of large language models and privacy legislation. We see an opportunity at the intersection of AI and privacy where targeting models and personal data are used exclusively on the user’s device. The benefit of this approach is that no personal information ever leaves the device, and it’s something we’re actively pursuing.

You've chosen Adloox as your ad measurement and verification partner for your in-house DSP. What's your experience been like?

The Adloox team is consistently bringing unique insights our way and offering access to product betas such as attention measurement. On the technological side, we ingest Adloox’s raw SFTP data, which is matched up with our impression ID. This gives us the most granular ad verification data to work from, impression by impression. We’re excited to continue growing the partnership.

"Adloox gives us the most granular ad verification data to work from, impression by impression. We’re excited to continue growing the partnership."

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